Guillaume Pépy
President of the Board of directors, independant director

Chairman of the Board of Directors. Independent Director
Recognised for his extensive leadership experience, Guillaume Pepy is currently President (volunteer) of Initiative France, the leading network of associations for financing and supporting new entrepreneurs. He is a Senior Advisor to Salesforce and the Boston Consulting Group.
He is a director of Chemours Inc in the United States. Guillaume Pepy began his career at the Conseil d’Etat and then at the Ministries of Finance and Labour, Employment and Social Affairs. In 1996, he became Deputy Managing Director of the SOFRES Group. He was then appointed Director of Main Lines at the Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer français (SNCF) in 1997. He was successively Deputy Managing Director of Customers, Executive Managing Director and then Chairman and Chief Executive Officer from 2008 to 2019.
Guillaume Pepy is Chairman of Initiative France, a member of the Board of Directors of Chemours (a listed company), and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EM Lyon. He was also Chairman of LYDEC, a subsidiary of Suez in charge of water and electricity management in the Greater Casablanca region of Morocco and, until the beginning of July 2022, Senior Advisor to the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. He is a graduate of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris and of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration.
Guillaume Pepy is president of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee.