Our values, the foundation of our collective
It was by consulting each and every one of our 78,000 employees that we were able to put our values into words. Rich in meaning, they reflect the ethics of all of us and of the Group, and give us a sense of responsibility.
A commitment to humanity
Because it is by caring for the most vulnerable that our humanity is revealed
We are personally and collectively committed to helping vulnerable people. These individuals need our help in order to retain their spark, dignity and individuality. We are all well aware of the responsibility that brings, and shoulder our responsibility ethically and empathetically. Every act of care, every gesture and every word lets the individual know we are there for them, and demonstrates our utmost respect for who they are.

Taste for life
Because caring for others cultivates a desire to live
Caring for and looking after a vulnerable individual enables that person to get back on with their life or helps them feel alive. We take each patient, each resident and each family by the hand to walk that path together. We share our spark with everyone in our care. We nurture their appetite for life by maintaining a positive mindset and offering activities or projects that are tailored to their own personal interests. The impact of our care can be gauged through the size of patients or residents’ smiles.

Thirst to learn
Because the more we learn, the better we care
We strive to improve our practices each day and are receptive to pertinent input, be that from doctors, carers and nurses or, indeed, anyone else involved in looking after the patient and supporting their wellbeing. We also welcome input from patients, residents and their families. Our work spans multiple disciplines that are all constantly changing as new discoveries are made, be that in technology, culture, human and social sciences or as a result of new initiatives introduced in the field. In every workplace and wherever we operate, our quality of care and support is underpinned by the most cutting-edge knowledge and expertise.

Spirit of mutual aid
Because caring well starts with supporting one another well
In order to tackle the enormous challenge of caring for and looking after society’s most vulnerable, public authorities, the voluntary sector, local players and businesses must all stand shoulder to shoulder. We get actively involved across the board. It’s the way we work. Resources are pooled between sites. Team members offer each other support. We can confidently rely on one another.