Breadcrumb emeis Our network Our network The emeis Group’s network is made up of more than 50 brands, all with solid and well-established local roots. 1000+ emeis facilities around the worldemeis implantation Choose a country Brazil Mexico Uruguay China Germany Austria Belgium Croatia Italy Luxembourg Poland Slovenia Switzerland Spain France Irland Netherlands Portugal United Kingdom MexicoBrazilUruguayGoing backChinaGoing backFranceGermanyLuxembourgSpainPortugalItalyPolandIrlandUnited KingdomAustriaNetherlandsBelgiumSwitzerlandCzech RepublicCroatiaSloveniaGoing backSite Click on the map to access the different geographical areas where emeis is located. BrazilMexicoUruguayChinaGermanyBelgiumCroatiaItalyPolandSloveniaSwitzerlandSpainFranceIrlandNetherlandsPortugal