emeis’ nursing homes or "homes for the elderly"
The loss of autonomy and frailties require special care and attention. In emeis’ very own “homes for the elderly”, support is tailored to every resident’s exact needs and wishes.

Life at emeis’ nursing homes
Caring for dependent older adults
emeis’ nursing homes provide a range of living environments intended to address the diverse needs of residents and their loved ones:
- Permanent residency for those who have lost their autonomy and require intensive care (neurocognitive disorders, behavioural problems, etc.) or are unable to stay at home.
- Temporary residency or respite at a vulnerable time or when a carer needs rest.
- Day care for older persons who live at home and wish to benefit from personalised therapeutic and psychosocial activities and events that encourage them to socialise.
Restoring meaning in people’s lives
Each of our residents has their own life story, personality and interests. That’s why we endeavour to create a warm atmosphere in our homes for senior living, where special moments are shared between our residents and teams.
Inspired by a sense of trust and solidarity, our residents develop a taste for life while honing their abilities in their own time.
Treating each disease differently
Our multi-disciplinary teams are formed of expert care professionals for older adults who have lost their autonomy. Together, team members administer safe care by implementing strict procedures and protocols to ensure the comfort and well-being of residents on a daily basis.
Many nursing homes are also equipped with protected living units (and adapted care units) that specialise in delivering care to people with neurocognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s or a related disease. What’s more, our facilities house special units for people with severe frailties or in the latter stages of their lives (high dependency).
Our professionals host daily therapy sessions for residents in our private nursing homes, as part of their personalised life and care pathways.
Thanks to our complementary activities including medical care and rehabilitation clinics as well as mental health hospitals, we enable a smooth and seamless pathway with constant and coordinated access to care.

Helping residents who have chosen to stay in an emeis residence to continue to develop social links, to live and act with others, whatever their age or level of autonomy, guides our actions on a daily basis!
Old age, the human and social challenge of our time
Nursing homes that make people feel at home
Belonging to an active and fulfilling community
At every single one of our nursing homes, life is structured into events, gatherings, trips, entertainment and culture.
Such activities maintain social contact and a taste for life as well as improving cognitive and motor skills.
Fostering a respectful and friendly environment
Our nursing homes offer residents single rooms with private areas to give them their space.
Residents are free to use lounges, bars and activity rooms, creating fun, friendly and vibrant shared spaces.
Our chefs freshly prepare each meal as they cook up a tasty and nutritious menu selection in collaboration with dieticians. Teams in the kitchen are trained to cater to all dietary and texture requirements. After all, meals form highlights of daily life, promoting camaraderie and wholeness!
emeis nursing homes worldwide
the average age of emeis’ residents
5 complementary activities
to accelerate seamless care pathways
30 years’ experience
managing nursing homes
A meaningful medical project
To transform nursing homes into fully-fledged “homes for senior living”, we leverage our medical project which acts as a standard bearer for our expertise and ethics:
- Our ever-present teams of carers are trained to support all residents, regardless of their autonomy or the scale of their disease.
- We organise activities in connection with each individual’s life history and their personality.
- We promote the skills of each resident, affording them a role in society, however modest, that is tied to their aspirations and capabilities.
- We maintain social connections with family, loved ones, other residents and communities (childcare centres, schools, non-profits, music academies and many more facilities).
- We prevent and support severe dependency whenever it arises.

emeis’ nursing homes the world over
Our network of 826 homes for senior living spans the entire globe.
Our goal is simple: to actively operate in areas we are useful. Across the board, our residences uphold the same values and commitments. They are united in our pledge to care for and support the vulnerable among us.
A facility or service to meet every need
Offering a complete range of services means knowing how to combine medical, human and social support. This is what all the members of the emeis collective do every day for our patients, residents and beneficiaries.